I spent an amazing week in Texas at the home of my dear friend, Charlene.
Remember in my last post, she asked me to stay for a week? Let me just say that
Miss Charlene is a fine representative of some MAJOR Texas hospitality. She
spoiled me rotten and I almost canceled my ticket home.
“Sweet Cheeks” was waiting to welcome me upon my arrival to her beautiful home - WOA, baby!
Each morning there was a knock on my door and then a sweet southern drawl said
"Morn'in Sunshine." Charlene even had a laptop on my side table just for little 'ol
me. We went everywhere and saw & ATE everything. I think she put about
700 miles on her car runn'in me all over Dallas, Ft. Worth and McKinney just to name a few of our destinations. *Note: There will be NO calories counted for this trip! Charlene's hubby even made us dinner one night. He looks and feels great after having open-heart surgery only 3 mos ago. I'm going to break down our adventures day-by-day so I don't miss anything.
Thursday - Charlene & Hubby scooped me up from Love Field and took me to a restaurant called Celebration, a quaint family-style place where I had Cajun shrimp over gouda grits; I know! And I'm not a big fan of grits, but they were FabUlous!
Friday - we headed to A Gilded Life's church for class and then Charlene
insisted on treating me to a night at the Adolphus Hotel. It's a beautiful hotel in downtown Dallas established in 1912 by the Busch beer family. It turns out that the registration clerk may be a long lost relative of Hubby's. You see Miss Charlene is a true Southern charmer & chatted it up with the guy who shares her last name only spelled differently. He upgraded us to a suite on the 21st floor - Saweeeeet!
Saturday - After an all day class, we headed back to the house to pick up Hubby
& then it was off to Cleburne for an amazing Italian dinner at the Purple Turnip.
Sunday - After the last day of our classes we headed home to a delicious grilled chicken dinner cooked by Hubby.
Monday – With classes over, we headed out to Hobby Lobby & Michael’s for some “supplies” and then my hosts & very well informed tour guides treated me to the famous Cooper’s Old Time Pit BBQ in the historic stockyards in Ft Worth – simply amazing brisket- YUM! Then we walked around downtown old town Ft. Worth.

Tuesday – Shopping day, well they were all shopping days, but we went to Sam Moon & Sam Mi. They have everything known to man; it’s kind of like an upscale version of downtown LA shopping in one huge store. Dinner was Mexican food at Fresco’s where they make fresh guacamole tableside!
Wednesday - We headed out to McKinney to meet the FabUoulsy talented Lisa McIlvaine. We shopped at some of the antique stores and had lunch at Patina Green. Lisa had posted about their "Le Toilette" and I think we could just all live in there - FabUlous!

On our way home, we swung by Cindy Craine's home and she shared her amazing studio with us – look at all the goodies; so much fun!
Thursday - We headed to Dallas for the afternoon and had lunch at Dodie’s Cajun restaurant where I felt like I was in New Orleans. I had their version of a muffaletta, called a "frenchaletta" and the most amazing bread pudding with bourbon sauce I've ever had! Then is was time to head to the airport and I so didn't want to say so long to my sweet friend.
It took me quite some time to come down from my Texas adventures high.
The good news is, Charlene's headed out to CA in March for Moulin Rouge where we'll pick up where we left off and then a week later, I'll be meeting up with her at
Round Top! YEE HA!